Melinda LeBlanc » Find a Director

Melinda LeBlanc


Photo of Melinda LeBlanc

Melinda is an Ignatian-trained Spiritual Director who is passionate about helping others deepen their relationship with God through individual direction, group faith sharing, and retreats. She meets directees in person in the Baton Rouge area, and also meets directees virtually by Zoom and Skype. She received her certification in Spiritual Direction from the Archdiocesan Spirituality Center in New Orleans in 2012. She also holds a Masters of Pastoral Studies degree from Loyola University. Melinda served as spiritual director and campus minister at Christ the King parish at LSU, and was on staff at the St. Joseph Spirituality Center. She also serves in the Women of the Well ministry and is currently on the board of the Louisiana Association of Spiritual Directors. She and her husband Darrel live in Baton Rouge and enjoy birdwatching and fishing.