Katherine Bernal » Find a Director

Katherine Bernal



Photo of Katherine Bernal

My name is Katherine Bernal. I am married with three married daughters and eight grandchildren. Being a cradle Catholic in South Louisiana opened me to spiritual direction. After our girls were born, our new DRE mentioned she was a spiritual director. As her directee, my prayer life began to deepen and become more important to me.
After moving to North Louisiana where spiritual directors were few and far between, I began to discern becoming a spiritual director myself. When I retired, my path to training for becoming a spiritual director opened up. I traveled to Shreveport for direction with the only Catholic director in our diocese at the time and then monthly to New Orleans for training and formation. Years later I also trained to give the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life retreat. Being a director has increased my awareness of God in my life as I listen to others and help them find God in theirs. I have truly felt blessed by this calling and the people I meet along the way. I am a member of St. Paschal Catholic Church in West Monroe, LA. Where I am a Lector, Minister of Holy Communion, and help with our RCIA/OCIA program.